
Professor Peter J. Dean Director of the Foreign Policy and Defence Program at the United States Studies Centre. Prior to the commencement of this role Professor Dean was Chair of Defence Studies and Director of the UWA Defence and Security Institute.

He has been a Fulbright Professional Fellow and Endeavour Research Scholar in Australia-United States Alliance Studies, as well as a non-resident fellow with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Studies at Georgetown University in Washington DC.

Ten reasons why Trump will support AUKUS
Ten reasons why Trump will support AUKUS
AUKUS will survive regardless of who wins the presidential election in November.
Australia's new navy: The Japanese option
Australia's new navy: The Japanese option
Japan and Australia have similar security strategies, so why not the same ships?
US-Australia alliance: beyond sentiment
US-Australia alliance: beyond sentiment
Of supporters or sceptics alike, new research shows most Australians view the alliance via a cost-benefit analysis.
What went wrong? How Morrison lost control of the khaki election
What went wrong? How Morrison lost control of the khaki election
A government determined to make national security a central campaign issue fell into the trap of fighting the last war.
Small hints of a bigger opportunity in Australia-South Korea ties
Small hints of a bigger opportunity in Australia-South Korea ties
Defence industry engagement can be the bridge to span different strategic visions of challenges to the region.