Reconstruction: Australia after COVID
This article is more than 3 years old

Reconstruction: Australia after COVID

A discussion of what is in store economically for Australians after COVID-19, by one of Australia's leading economic voices.

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What kind of future do Australians have?

Until the coronavirus pandemic, nearly two-thirds of Australians had never experienced an economic slump in their working lives. Indeed, nearly half were not yet born when the Australian economy last tipped into recession. Creating a path for Australia through these difficult times requires a careful assessment of where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going.

This book, by one of Australia’s leading economic voices, examines the fractured state of the global economy and financial system, the ailing US economy and its epic contest with China, the global economic order, and what it all means for us.

Reconstruction: Australia after COVID is available for purchase from all good bookstores, and as an e-book.

Book cover: Reconstruction after covid

About the author

John Edwards, a Lowy Institute Senior Fellow and an Adjunct Professor at Curtin University's John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, is a former member of Reserve Bank Board. He was a senior economic adviser to Prime Minister Paul Keating. His six nonfiction books include Keating: The Inside Story and John Curtin's War.

Areas of expertise: Australian economic policy; monetary policy; international economics; banking