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The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The border crisis in Ladakh may end in war or peace — or it may never end.
Stoking fears of war could serve China’s goals. Australian policy needs rethinking
Stoking fears of war could serve China’s goals. Australian policy needs rethinking
Tensions in the region are escalating, but trumpeting the coming threat of war plays into Beijing’s goals and risks undermining Taiwan further. Originally published in The…
Reading the Xi leaves: what’s next for the Chinese President
Reading the Xi leaves: what’s next for the Chinese President
If Xi Jinping had followed the rules, he would be stepping down next year. The longer he stays in office without an anointed successor, the greater the risk of a power struggle…
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. 
After Xi: Future Scenarios for Leadership Succession in Post-Xi Jinping Era
After Xi: Future Scenarios for Leadership Succession in Post-Xi Jinping Era
A Joint Report of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies and the Lowy Institute
Chinese-Australians in the Australian Public Service
Policy Briefs
Chinese-Australians in the Australian Public Service
Underutilised in the Australian Public Service, Chinese-Australians are central to our China literacy and future engagement with the rising global superpower.
Lowy Institute Conversations: Nathan Law on exile, China and the struggle for democracy in Hong Kong
Lowy Institute Conversations: Nathan Law on exile, China and the struggle for democracy in Hong Kong
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Director of the Southeast Asia Program Ben Bland sits down with Nathan Law to discuss exile, China’s repressive policies and the…
Jokowi’s contradictions and the struggle to remake Indonesia
Jokowi’s contradictions and the struggle to remake Indonesia
Originally published in The Jakarta Post.