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Australians haven’t given up on the United States — yet
Australians haven’t given up on the United States — yet
Originally published in The Washington Post.
There is no quick fix to our parlous relationship with China
There is no quick fix to our parlous relationship with China
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
China and Australia's relationship is souring but not weakening
China and Australia's relationship is souring but not weakening
COVID-19 and politics are driving them apart but trade keeps them together. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review. 
COVIDcast Episode 11: Dave Sharma MP on COVID and Australia’s Pacific Relationship
COVIDcast Episode 11: Dave Sharma MP on COVID and Australia’s Pacific Relationship
In Episode 11, Jonathan Pryke, Director of the Pacific Islands Program sits down with Dave Sharma, Liberal member for the federal seat of Wentworth, NSW, to discuss strengthening…
COVIDpoll: Lowy Institute Polling on Australian Attitudes to the Coronavirus Pandemic
COVIDpoll: Lowy Institute Polling on Australian Attitudes to the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Lowy Institute COVIDpoll finds that almost all Australians say Australia has handled COVID-19 well, but most are disappointed by China and the United States’ response.
Avoiding the wrong lessons on aid and corruption
Avoiding the wrong lessons on aid and corruption
Is development aid an effective solution to lifting countries out of poverty? Roland Rajah, Director of the International Economy Program, and Research Fellow Alexandre…
COVIDcast - Episode 1: The global response to the coronavirus
COVIDcast - Episode 1: The global response to the coronavirus
COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast for anyone interested in understanding the effect of coronavirus on global politics. Each week for the next few weeks, Lowy Institute…
Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Review of Australia's Development Program
Submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Review of Australia's Development Program
A submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Review of Australian's Development Program.