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Iraq 2003: a retrospective
Iraq 2003: a retrospective
On 9 April 2013 former Prime Minister the Hon John Howard OM AC gave a lecture to the Lowy Institute on the 10th anniversary of the war in Iraq.John Howard
After Fukishima: Implications for the nuclear 3S (Safeguards, Safety and Security)
After Fukishima: Implications for the nuclear 3S (Safeguards, Safety and Security)
John Carlson is a Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy.  This paper was presented to an Asan Institute fo Policy Studies conference in Seoul in…
Consular services in death spiral as trivial demands increase
Consular services in death spiral as trivial demands increase
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Research Fellow Alex Oliver writes that a huge increase in overseas travel by Australians is putting unsustainable pressure on Australia…
Consular conundrum: the rising demands and diminishing means for assisting Australians overseas
Policy Briefs
Consular conundrum: the rising demands and diminishing means for assisting Australians overseas
Demands on Australia’s consular service are becoming increasingly difficult to meet. How can DFAT manage the increased consular workload in a tight fiscal environment, without…
Overstretched, under-resourced: DFAT has gone to ruin
Overstretched, under-resourced: DFAT has gone to ruin
In a piece for Crikey, Research Fellow Alex Oliver examines the problems of the continued understaffing and underfunding of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. …
Australia's national security priorities: addressing strategic risk in a globalised world
Journal Articles
Australia's national security priorities: addressing strategic risk in a globalised world
Alan Dupont, Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Lowy Institute, has co-authored an article with William J. Rechmeyer in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Volume 66…
Cyber spying needs concerted action
Cyber spying needs concerted action
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Lowy Institute Non-resident Senior Fellow Alan Dupont writes that as the cost of electronic pilfering grows, Australia should become a…
Parliamentary Submission: Defence Performance
Parliamentary Submission: Defence Performance
In this submission to the Australian Parliament's review of the Defence Annual Report, Military Fellow James Brown argues for greater parliamentary oversight of defence by…
Football diplomacy redux: the 2015 Asian Cup and Australia's engagement with Asia
Policy Briefs
Football diplomacy redux: the 2015 Asian Cup and Australia's engagement with Asia
In 2015 Australia will host the Asian Football Confederation’s Asian Cup, providing opportunities for government, business and community groups to strengthen their engagement with…