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Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Last night, the inaugural Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow, Professor Zha Daojiong of Peking University, gave a lively presentation on Chinese investment in Australia…
Foreign service remains vastly underfunded
Foreign service remains vastly underfunded
In an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review, Dr Michael Fullilove and Alex Oliver argue that as Australians look ahead to a federal election in September, they should…
Digital islands: how the Pacific ICT revolution is transforming the region
Digital islands: how the Pacific ICT revolution is transforming the region
The Pacific Islands region is in the midst of an information and communications technology (ICT) revolution that could have profound implications, particularly for democratic…
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Policy Briefs
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Australia's political relationship with China is far less developed than its economic relationship. This is detrimental to Australia's interests because China is not merely an…
Final submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia overseas representation
Final submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia overseas representation
Final submissions in Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia's overseas representation were published by the…
Inflection point: The Australian Defence Force after Afghanistan
Policy Briefs
Inflection point: The Australian Defence Force after Afghanistan
In every era there are inflection points which require long-established institutions to re-evaluate their goals, strategy, structure and resource allocations to ensure their…
A key domino? Indonesia death penalty politics
A key domino? Indonesia death penalty politics
The application of the death penalty by Australia's Southeast Asian neighbours recurrently strains bilateral relations.  Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae examines…
Enduring ties and enduring interests?
Policy Briefs
Enduring ties and enduring interests?
Largely as a consequence of military deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, Australia has developed strong defence ties with key GCC countries. But with these deployments coming to…
The 2011 Lowy Institute Poll
The 2011 Lowy Institute Poll
The seventh annual Lowy Poll surveys the Australian public on new questions covering attitudes towards the US alliance and the war in Afghanistan, opinions on basing US forces in…