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So what? Matching policy to Australian interests in West Asia
Policy Briefs
So what? Matching policy to Australian interests in West Asia
In a new Lowy institute Policy Brief, West Asia Program Director Anthony Bubalo argues that the evolution of Australian policy in West Asia (the Middle East and Southwest Asia)…
Why the Gulf matters: crafting an Australian security policy for the Gulf
Policy Briefs
Why the Gulf matters: crafting an Australian security policy for the Gulf
The imminent withdrawal of Australian combat forces from Iraq does not mean that the Arabian Gulf is peripheral to Australia's strategic interests. Rodger Shanahan
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
In this piece for the East-West Center, Washington, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia and India are hesitating at the brink of real…
Looking after Australians overseas
Policy Briefs
Looking after Australians overseas
As the number of Australians travelling and living overseas continues to increase, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has been forced to devote a growing…
The Lowy Institute Poll 2007
The Lowy Institute Poll 2007
The third Lowy Institute Poll surveys a nationally representative sample of Australians on their attitudes towards the US alliance, the government’s consular responsibilities,…
Design faults: the Asia Pacific’s regional architecture
Policy Briefs
Design faults: the Asia Pacific’s regional architecture
In a new Policy Brief, Lowy Institute Executive Director Allan Gyngell argues that the Asia Pacific region has too many regional organisations, yet they are still unable to do all…
A Long Hot Summer
Policy Briefs
A Long Hot Summer
In this Lowy Institute Policy Brief, William Maley and Daoud Yaqub explore the implications of the looming Taliban Spring offensive on the international reconstruction and…
Mindanao: a gamble worth taking
Lowy Institute Papers
Mindanao: a gamble worth taking
A Lowy Institute Paper by Dr Malcolm Cook and Dr Kit Collier analyses the prospects for peace in Mindanao and the threats facing the peace process.Malcolm Cook , Kit Collier
Re-imagining PNG: culture, democracy and Australia role
Lowy Institute Papers
Re-imagining PNG: culture, democracy and Australia role
Australia has, perhaps, no closer or more complicated a bilateral relationship than that with Papua New Guinea. Australia is deeply entwined with its nearest neighbour and has a…