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Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Written evidence by Ben Bland, Director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Lowy Institute, was submitted to the United Kingdom Parliament's Foreign Affairs…
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Australia’s Response to the Coup in Myanmar
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Australia’s Response to the Coup in Myanmar
The following Joint Submission to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was made by the Lowy Institute’s Ben Bland and Hervé Lemahieu on Australia’s response to the coup…
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security: Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security: Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia
On 19 February, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Lydia Khalil made a submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into extremist movements…
The impact of natural disasters on violent extremism
The impact of natural disasters on violent extremism
Originally published in the ASPI Counterterrorism Yearbook 2021.
The Case for Australia to Step Up in Southeast Asia
The Case for Australia to Step Up in Southeast Asia
A policy brief by Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Power and Diplomacy Program at the Lowy Institute, published by The Brookings Institution.
Brookings Report: Historical tensions and contemporary governance challenges in Southeast Asia: The case of Indonesia
Brookings Report: Historical tensions and contemporary governance challenges in Southeast Asia: The case of Indonesia
In this report published by the Brookings Institution, Ben Bland explains why Western nations need to engage with Indonesia in its own right, not as a part of plan to…
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
In July, Jonathan Pryke presented a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia's defence relationships with Pacific…
The Risks of China’s Ambitions in the South Pacific
The Risks of China’s Ambitions in the South Pacific
Originally published by The Brookings Institution as part of its Global China series assessing China's growing role in the world.