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Australia and the anti-trafficking regime in Southeast Asia
Australia and the anti-trafficking regime in Southeast Asia
This working paper reviews recent trends in human trafficking in Southeast Asia and the status of the anti-trafficking regime in ASEAN member states. It examines…
G20 Monitor: Towards Hangzhou and Hamburg
G20 Monitor: Towards Hangzhou and Hamburg
The 21st edition of the G20 Monitor highlights considerations for the G20 ahead of the 4–5 September 2016 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Hangzhou, China. It also canvasses three topics…
G20 Monitor: New considerations for China’s 2016 G20 Presidency
G20 Monitor: New considerations for China’s 2016 G20 Presidency
The 20th issue of the G20 Monitor discusses the economic leadership China can display in 2016 by opening its services sector; the successes and structural gaps in the G20…
Shifting waters: China’s new passive assertiveness in Asian maritime security
Shifting waters: China’s new passive assertiveness in Asian maritime security
In this Report, Ashley Townshend and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Professor Rory Medcalf examine China’s evolving maritime security conduct. They argue that China’s less…
Indonesian students in Egypt and Turkey
Indonesian students in Egypt and Turkey
In this Lowy Institute Report, Lowy Institute Deputy Director, Anthony Bubalo, together with Sidney Jones and Nava Nuraniyah from the Institute for Policy Analysis of…
G20 Monitor: The Chinese 2016 G20 host year
G20 Monitor: The Chinese 2016 G20 host year
The 19th issue of the G20 Monitor focuses on the state of the G20 in the initial months of the Chinese G20 Presidency and examines policies that could contribute to the G20’s core…
2015 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes Report
2015 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes Report
In this Report, the Lowy Institute’s Melanesia team summarises the outcomes of the third annual Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue.  Jenny Hayward-Jones …
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 engagement group representatives from Business (B20), Civil Society (C20), Labour (L20), Think Tanks (T20), Women (W20), and Youth (Y20) have contributed to the 18th issue of…
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
In this Report, Lowy Institute Research Associate Brendan Thomas-Noone and Nonresident Fellow Professor Rory Medcalf examine the implications of sea-based nuclear weapons for…