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US manoeuvres in the South China Sea are not provocative
US manoeuvres in the South China Sea are not provocative
Originally published in the Financial Times Aaron L Connelly
Trump's hollow strategy in the Middle East
Trump's hollow strategy in the Middle East
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review (Photo: Flickr/The White House) Rodger Shanahan
When Turnbull meets Trump
Policy Briefs
When Turnbull meets Trump
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s first face-to-face meeting with President Donald Trump is an opportunity to deliver some key messages about the role the United States should…
Trump still a long way from coherence
Trump still a long way from coherence
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Photo: Getty Images/Washington Post Michael Fullilove
India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
There's a momentum towards greater cooperation among India, Japan, and Australia, writes James Curran in CFR's Asia Unbound blog on 9 March. Photo: Flickr/Us State Department…
Trump and America the ordinary
Trump and America the ordinary
Donald Trump has no time for talk of the 'indispensable power'. That might be safer than a US which talks big but doesn't back it up, writes Sam Roggeveen for the Australian…
Cracks in the US-Australia Relationship
Cracks in the US-Australia Relationship
Turnbull and subsequent Australian leaders may have to say no to Washington more often in future, writes James Curran for CFR's Asia Unbound blog on 6 February.James Curran
After Trump’s phone call, Australians worry about an old alliance
After Trump’s phone call, Australians worry about an old alliance
Australians have benefited from the liberal order that the US president wants to dismantle, writes Michael Fullilove in the Financial Times on 4 February. Photo: Getty Images…
Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Yes, it was just a phone call, and the storm will pass. But in the background, history is moving against the US-Australia alliance, writes Sam Roggeveen in the Australian…