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Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Yes, it was just a phone call, and the storm will pass. But in the background, history is moving against the US-Australia alliance, writes Sam Roggeveen in the Australian…
Australia needs to adapt to the new circumstances of Trump’s America
Australia needs to adapt to the new circumstances of Trump’s America
Malcolm Turnbull was right to stand his ground over his refugee deal with the US but the episode reveals the limitations of his interpretation of the new administration, writes…
Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Trump's dark vision of America's role in the world is worrying, even if he had the teams and political skills to pull it off, writes Michael Fullilove in the Australian Financial…
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Most analysts of President Trump's inaugural address, especially those in the United States, have stressed its pointed preference for the strident, pungent messages he used to…
An unprecedented president
An unprecedented president
The showman now has to govern, writes James Curran in the Australian on 14 January. Photo: Getty Images/The Washington PostJames Curran
Fighting with America
Lowy Institute Papers
Fighting with America
Why saying 'no' to the US wouldn’t rupture the alliance.James Curran
'It's going to be a bumpy ride'
'It's going to be a bumpy ride'
'The US-led world order is tipping further into decline.' Originally published in The Australian. Photo: Getty Images/Gary HershornAlan Dupont
'Take Trump one step at a time'
'Take Trump one step at a time'
'An escalation of strategic rivalry between the US and China could be uncomfortable for Australia.' Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Photo: Department of…
'Australia must grimace and bear Donald Trump to keep our alliance on track'
'Australia must grimace and bear Donald Trump to keep our alliance on track'
'Donald Trump's election will ask hard questions of Australia's alliance with the United States.' Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. Photo: Getty Images…