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Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Originally published in The Australian.
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
It’s time to rethink global governance and its priorities
Pompeo’s Surreal Speech on China
Pompeo’s Surreal Speech on China
An ideological struggle is under way between Beijing and free societies, and the Trump administration is on the wrong side. Originally published in The Atlantic.
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Putting 'negative globalism' talk aside, strategic shocks are forcing Canberra to think about an international system that can protect sovereignty and prevent great power conflict…
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Originally published in The Australian.
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
In this new feature, Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation’s — and the world’s —…
Black lives make America great
Black lives make America great
It is African American civil society that has historically held up a mirror to America and made it live up to its ideals. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Black Americans Push U.S. to Live Up To Its Ideals
Black Americans Push U.S. to Live Up To Its Ideals
Originally published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Taiwan’s wildcard
Taiwan’s wildcard
Originally published in The La Trobe Asia Brief, a publication from La Trobe Asia based at La Trobe University.