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Will Abbott Change Australia's Foreign Policy?
Will Abbott Change Australia's Foreign Policy?
Interpreter Editor Sam Roggeveen writes in The National Interest on the foreign policy-aspects of the 2013 Australian federal election.The full article is available here.Sam…
Abbott is not a neocon
Abbott is not a neocon
Interpreter Editor Sam Roggeveen, in a cover story for The Spectator Australia, discusses Prime Minister Abbott's brand of conservatism, his commitment to the…
New Cabinet takes on welcome western bias
New Cabinet takes on welcome western bias
In this opinion piece for The West Australian, Rory Medcalf argues that key ministers in the new Abbott Cabinet will put Western Australia at the centre of Australia's global…
The promise of U.S.-India ties
The promise of U.S.-India ties
In this article for The National Interest, Rory Medcalf explores the potential for deepening U.S.-India relations ahead of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to…
Australia's Election, the U.S. Alliance and the Pivot
Australia's Election, the U.S. Alliance and the Pivot
James Brown's article for Real Clear Defense about Australia's defense strategy following the election of the conservative government.James Brown
From Tyre to Tehran: Transnational Links Amongst Lebanese Shi'a Clerical Families
From Tyre to Tehran: Transnational Links Amongst Lebanese Shi'a Clerical Families
Rodger Shanahan, From Tyre to Tehran: Transnational Links Amongst Lebanese Shi'a Clerical Families. Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies, 2013 6 (3), pp 307-322 …
When change brings continuity
When change brings continuity
In this article in the Indian Express, Rory Medcalf argues that Australia's new Coalition government will bring continuity to Australia-India ties.Rory Medcalf
Kebijakan Abbott Bisa Picu Gesekan (Abbott's Policies Could Trigger Tension)
Kebijakan Abbott Bisa Picu Gesekan (Abbott's Policies Could Trigger Tension)
Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae, in an opinion piece for the Media Indonesia newspaper, explains that the newly-elected Coalition have maintained Indonesia as a…
Caught between the U.S. and China
Caught between the U.S. and China
In a New York Times op-ed, Lowy institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove argues that the 2013 election campaign ignored the greater strategic and economic…