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Australia and climate change negotiations: at the table, or on the menu?
Australia and climate change negotiations: at the table, or on the menu?
In this Analysis, Howard Bamsey and Kath Rowley argue that any failure to pay proper, high-level attention to the current international climate change negotiations raises several…
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
In this Analysis, Alan Dupont argues that successive Australian governments have failed to define an effective national defence strategy. Australia needs a defence strategy that…
Iranian foreign policy under Rouhani
Iranian foreign policy under Rouhani
In this Lowy Institute Analysis Rodger Shanahan examines changes in Iranian foreign policy under President Rouhani. He argues that while the Iranian President has changed the tone…
Jordan's youth after the Arab Spring
Jordan's youth after the Arab Spring
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Marty Harris examines political and social activism among Jordanian youth in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings. The Analysis argues that Jordan…
India’s new Asia-Pacific strategy: Modi acts East
India’s new Asia-Pacific strategy: Modi acts East
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Danielle Rajendram examines India’s Look East Policy, and argues that the Modi Government will prioritise even closer engagement with the Asia…
China, the G20 and global economic governance
China, the G20 and global economic governance
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Hugh Jorgensen and Dr Daniela Strube examine China’s approach to global economic governance. The paper argues that China will seek a greater…
Defence Challenges 2035: Securing Australia's Lifelines
Defence Challenges 2035: Securing Australia's Lifelines
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Rory Medcalf and James Brown assess Australia’s security environment in coming decades. Defence challenges 2035: securing Australia’s lifelines…
China’s foreign policy in Afghanistan
China’s foreign policy in Afghanistan
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Dirk van der Kley examines China's policy options in Afghanistan, once the NATO-led mission there comes to an end in December 2014.Dirk van der…
Indonesian foreign policy under President Jokowi
Indonesian foreign policy under President Jokowi
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Aaron L. Connelly previews the likely direction of Indonesian foreign policy under President-elect Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, highlighting…