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We see China and U.S. as central to our future
We see China and U.S. as central to our future
In an opinion piece in The Australian newspaper, Michael Fullilove and Alex Oliver describe Australians’ complex attitudes towards important foreign policy issues, and in…
West must temper expectations of what Rowhani can deliver
West must temper expectations of what Rowhani can deliver
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Rodger Shanahan writes that Hassan Rowhani's ability to curb Iran's nucler ambitions is limited.Rodger Shanahan
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
In an opinion piece in The Australian Financial Review, Mark Thirlwell writes that the WTO needs to be prepared for the ways in which looming mega-regional deals will change the…
Dicing with death penalties in Indonesia
Dicing with death penalties in Indonesia
Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae has published an article in Chatham House's The World Today on the ramifications at home of protecting citizens abroad from the…
New Zealand-U.S. defense relations: A possible return to the alliance?
New Zealand-U.S. defense relations: A possible return to the alliance?
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff looks at what it might take for a return to ally status between the United…
The U.S.-New Zealand partnership: An alliance in all but name
The U.S.-New Zealand partnership: An alliance in all but name
In this CSIS commentary, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff argues that U.S.-New Zealand relations have returned to an alliance in all but name, and that an…
We need Aussie view of world
We need Aussie view of world
The rise of Asia means Australia finds it self a lot closer to the centre of geopolitical and economic action than in the past. It is vital to our national interest, therefore,…
U.S. soft power & the rebalance: Public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia
U.S. soft power & the rebalance: Public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia
In this article for CSIS' CogitASIA blog, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff looks at US soft power and public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia, and how that…
An Indo-Pacific Treaty: An idea whose time has come?
An Indo-Pacific Treaty: An idea whose time has come?
In this article on The Diplomat's The Editor blog, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff looks at the prospects for developing an Indo-Pacific Treaty as proposed by…