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Australian model or Australian bubble?
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Mark Thirlwell has an essay in the March-April issue of Pacific Standard that takes a look at Australia’s recent economic success and assesses whether we can keep…
Strengthening the core of the G20: clearer objectives, better communication, greater transparency and accountability
Strengthening the core of the G20: clearer objectives, better communication, greater transparency and accountability
To be the premier forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 will need to strengthen such core features as clarity of objectives, communication, transparency and…
China's foreign policy dilemma
China's foreign policy dilemma
Therefore Chinese foreign policy can be expected to be reactive. This may have serious consequences because of the potentially explosive nature of two of China's most pressing…
Relaunching the G20
Relaunching the G20
Australia and the world needs a focused and effective G20. But the forum is in danger of losing its way. This Analysis identifies nine key lessons from the G20’s history that can…
Northeast Asia turns its attention to the Arctic
Northeast Asia turns its attention to the Arctic
In an analysis brief for the National Bureau of Asian Research, Lowy Institute East Asia Program Director Linda Jakobson writes that China, Japan, and South Korea are all…
Environmental change and migration: implications for Australia
Environmental change and migration: implications for Australia
In the Pacific Islands region, climate change and natural disasters could displace potentially  thousands of people in coming years.  A significant number of these…
Digital islands: how the Pacific ICT revolution is transforming the region
Digital islands: how the Pacific ICT revolution is transforming the region
The Pacific Islands region is in the midst of an information and communications technology (ICT) revolution that could have profound implications, particularly for democratic…
India and China: competitive coexistence in the Asian Century
India and China: competitive coexistence in the Asian Century
In this book chapter, the Lowy Institute’s Rory Medcalf and Ashley Townshend examine the factors that are likely to influence the strategic dynamic of the China-India…
Australia place in the Asian century
Australia place in the Asian century
In this extended article for The Diplomat, the Lowy Institute’s Rory Medcalf examines the aspirations and the omissions of the Australia’s Government’s October…