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Making the US-Philippine alliance count
Making the US-Philippine alliance count
Originally posted in War on the Rocks
Sri Lanka's deep debt bind
Sri Lanka's deep debt bind
Originally published in Daily FT (Sri Lanka)
Pursuing Indo-Pacific Growth and Development Amid Superpower Rivalry
Pursuing Indo-Pacific Growth and Development Amid Superpower Rivalry
Economic Security and the Future of the Global Order in the Indo-Pacific - a thought piece written for Perry World House.
Why Indonesia’s digital success deserves more attention
Why Indonesia’s digital success deserves more attention
Originally published in Today (Singapore)
Diplomacy must lead Australia's efforts in the Pacific, and adequate funding is crucial
Diplomacy must lead Australia's efforts in the Pacific, and adequate funding is crucial
A commentary first published in The Canberra Times on 17 May 2023. 
Thailand’s watershed election
Thailand’s watershed election
Originally posted in Inside Story