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The audacity of reasonableness: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, US foreign policy and Australia
The audacity of reasonableness: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, US foreign policy and Australia
At first glance, the differences between the two candidates for president of the United States in 2012, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, are striking. Each…
Pirates and privateers: managing the Indian Ocean private security boom
Pirates and privateers: managing the Indian Ocean private security boom
The fight against Somali-based pirates is becoming a private battle as global defence cuts reduce naval counter-piracy deployments. Because governments have struggled to contain…
Anaemic ascent: why China currency is far from going global
Anaemic ascent: why China currency is far from going global
China’s currency is on the rise. Buoyed by the economy’s outperformance and global trade impact, policy steps over the past few years have thrust the renminbi onto the global…
National perspectives on global leadership during the Los Cabos G20 Summit
National perspectives on global leadership during the Los Cabos G20 Summit
International Economy Program Director Mark Thirlwell is a contributor to a CIGI-Brookings Institution project on National Perspectives on Global Leadership.  The seventh…
Extract from 'The China choice: why America should share power'
Extract from 'The China choice: why America should share power'
This is an extract from The China choice: why America should share power by Hugh White, published by Black Inc. The China choice will be released on Monday 6 August, RRP $29.99,…
The Eurozone bad bets: a beginner guide to the Eurozone crisis
The Eurozone bad bets: a beginner guide to the Eurozone crisis
In this new Working Paper, Mark Thirlwell provides a beginner’s guide to the Eurozone crisis. Mark Thirlwell
From the Fall of the Wall to the Fall of the Banks and beyond: three persistent problems for the global economy
From the Fall of the Wall to the Fall of the Banks and beyond: three persistent problems for the global economy
In this 2010 working paper, Mark Thirlwell looks at the changing shape of a global economy that was born with the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Mark Thirlwell
The spectre of Malthus
The spectre of Malthus
In this 2009 Lowy Institute working paper, Mark Thirlwell looks at some initial lessons from the 2007-2008 crisis about living in a resource-constrained world. A revised version…
Egypt's Islamist President: what lies ahead?
Egypt's Islamist President: what lies ahead?
On 30 June 2012, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was sworn in as Egypt’s first ever democratically elected President.  In an effort to address some of the questions…