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The evolving post-crisis world
The evolving post-crisis world
In a new paper written as background for the current Asian Development Bank Economic Outlook, Dr Stephen Grenville notes that Asia has come through the Global Financial Crisis…
Toward a nuclear weapons free world: a Chinese perspective
Toward a nuclear weapons free world: a Chinese perspective
In this publication, leading Chinese security scholar Shen Dingli offers a point of view on Beijing’s constraints and objectives as it decides how to engage with the new global…
The Mekong: Milton Osborne presentation
The Mekong: Milton Osborne presentation
The Mekong River basins are one of the most important and dynamic areas in the world for the battle between economic development’s demands for energy and environmental and social…
Al-Qaeda, tribes and instability in Yemen
Al-Qaeda, tribes and instability in Yemen
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Sarah Phillips and Rodger Shanahan discuss the re-emergence of a significant al-Qaeda presence in Yemen. The authors focus on al-Qaeda’s efforts…
Comprehending Copenhagen: a guide to the international climate change negotiations
Comprehending Copenhagen: a guide to the international climate change negotiations
Comprehending Copenhagen by Dr Greg Picker and Fergus Green examines the 2009 climate negotiations in Copenhagen and sets out the key issues they believed would define the…
The global financial crisis: causes and consequences
The global financial crisis: causes and consequences
This Working Paper, by Warwick McKibbin and Andrew Stoeckel, models the global financial crisis as a combination of shocks to global housing markets and sharp increases in risk…
The Gulf states and Iran: robust competitors or interested bystanders?
The Gulf states and Iran: robust competitors or interested bystanders?
In a new Lowy Institute Perspectives, Rodger Shanahan, non-resident fellow in the West Asia Program, examines relations between the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)…
Wicked weapons: North Asia nuclear tangle
Wicked weapons: North Asia nuclear tangle
The United States faces major challenges in engaging China, Japan and the Korean Peninsula in its quest for nuclear disarmament. Rory Medcalf explores the ‘wicked’ nature of the…
Linking growth and poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Linking growth and poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Recent impressive economic growth has helped many Papua New Guineans escape poverty. Those lifted from poverty retain strong connections to the economy, its active participants…