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The chips are down for China
The chips are down for China
Forget Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Covid or war in Taiwan. A package of US export restrictions is set to kneecap China. Originally published in The Australian.
 A symbolic, stabilising step is one thing – but do Australia and China have enough shared interests for progress?
A symbolic, stabilising step is one thing – but do Australia and China have enough shared interests for progress?
Anthony Albanese and Xi Jinping’s meeting comes in a world where the geopolitical dynamics have changed too much for a ‘reset’ to occur. Originally published in The Guardian.
Geopolitical competition among the larger powers in the Pacific
Geopolitical competition among the larger powers in the Pacific
There is strategic anxiety in both the United States and Australia about China's increasing influence in the Pacific. 
US and Australian development cooperation is underway. What’s the best pathway to impact?
US and Australian development cooperation is underway. What’s the best pathway to impact?
This article originally appeared in Development Intelligence Lab's online blog, The Intel.
If we went to war, our ammo would not last a week
If we went to war, our ammo would not last a week
Originally published in The Australian.
Xi's clean sweep: China marks new era with loyalist lineup
Xi's clean sweep: China marks new era with loyalist lineup
New standing committee shows party and the world Xi will brook no dissent in third term. Originally published in Nikkei Asia.
Repatriated IS women should be accountable to the state they left behind
Repatriated IS women should be accountable to the state they left behind
Originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald.
As Xi Jinping begins a third term, Australia must push to engage China on common interests
As Xi Jinping begins a third term, Australia must push to engage China on common interests
An overconfident Beijing and a Xi surrounded by yes-men poses a great risk to Pacific stability, making bilateral meetings all the more important. Originally published in The…