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Beijing's Olympic challenge
Beijing's Olympic challenge
With the troubled Olympic Torch coming to Canberra next week, the Beijing Olympics and what it means for China will be centre stage in Australia. John Bowan
Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Several Southeast Asian countries continue seriously to assess the feasibility of nuclear energy, despite the 2011 Fukushima disaster. This publication explores the reasons and…
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
In this piece for the East-West Center, Washington, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia and India are hesitating at the brink of real…
Central banks and capital flows
Central banks and capital flows
Sudden capital outflows were at the heart of the 1997-8 Asian Crisis. Ten years later, capital flows are back on the policy agenda, but in a very different context. The countries…
India should play its part
India should play its part
In this article in new Indian publication Pragati ('Progress'), International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia alone cannot do all the running in…
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis, John Bowan looks at the progress of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. On the technical side all looks good. John Bowan
More second thoughts
More second thoughts
Earlier this year in Lowy Institute Paper 18, 'Second thoughts on globalisation', Mark Thirlwell looked at how the globalisation-powered rise of China and India was disconcerting…
Ten years after the Asian Crisis
Ten years after the Asian Crisis
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis, Dr Stephen Grenville looks back at the decade-old Asian financial crisis in search of insights on current vulnerabilities. Stephen Grenville
Sensible climate policy
Sensible climate policy
The release of the report by the Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading has received a lot of attention. The broad philosophy of that report is based on the McKibbin…