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The European Union and China
The European Union and China
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Roberto Menotti of the Aspen Institute Italia examines the European Union's policy responses to the rise of China. The EU is a newcomer to…
Two issues in carbon pricing: timing and competitiveness
Two issues in carbon pricing: timing and competitiveness
This Working Paper in International Economics by David Pearce and Warwick McKibbin explores two issues that have emerged in recent policy discussions on the need for price signals…
After Doha: II.  Is globalisation history?
After Doha: II. Is globalisation history?
Reflecting on the repeated failure of the Doha Round of international trade negotiations, this paper takes a look back at the stresses and strains that afflicted an earlier…
Domestic investment and external imbalances in East Asia
Domestic investment and external imbalances in East Asia
Since the 1997-98 Asian crisis, the investment decline in East Asia, outside of China, combined with the falling in public and private savings in the United States, has…
After Doha: I. The search for Plan B
After Doha: I. The search for Plan B
In a Lowy Institute Analysis, Mark Thirlwell argues that while the suspension of negotiations in late July may or may not mark the end of the Doha Round, it will almost certainly…
Roaring tiger or lumbering elephant?
Roaring tiger or lumbering elephant?
After years of economic underperformance, the Indian economic model has been transformed, and with it, India's growth performance. So much so that the last two years have brought…
Koizumi legacy: Japan new politics
Koizumi legacy: Japan new politics
In a Lowy Institute Analysis, Dr Malcolm Cook evaluates Prime Minister Koizumi's legacy for Japanese politics and international policy. Koizumi has rebuilt the ruling Liberal…
A credible foundation for long term international cooperation on climate change
A credible foundation for long term international cooperation on climate change
In this Working Paper in International Economics, the Lowy Institute's Professor Warwick McKibbin and Peter Wilcoxen write that to succeed in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, a…
Fuelling confrontation: Iran, the US and the oil weapon
Fuelling confrontation: Iran, the US and the oil weapon
In this new Lowy Institute Analysis, Anthony Bubalo, Michael Fullilove and Mark Thirlwell explore the prospect and implications of Iran's using oil as a weapon in its current…