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Duelling diplomacy in the Pacific should dispel the notion of a China-Australia reset
Duelling diplomacy in the Pacific should dispel the notion of a China-Australia reset
However much either side tempers their rhetoric, regional competition is the name of the game. Originally published in the Guardian.
China's own hotheadedness reinforces Quad's strategic importance
China's own hotheadedness reinforces Quad's strategic importance
Biden aiming to shore up what the body stands for with first trip to the region. Originally published in Nikkei Asia.
How do we keep an eye on our spies?
How do we keep an eye on our spies?
Our intelligence services have never been more important to us, and democratic governance is part of their strength. But do we need to look at this again? Originally published in…
The second age of globalisation is beginning to buckle
The second age of globalisation is beginning to buckle
The ripple effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war are spreading and intensifying. Deglobalisation will jeopardise the prosperity and welfare of millions. Originally published in The…
Xi Jinping steps up China’s political divorce from the West
Xi Jinping steps up China’s political divorce from the West
China’s leader has dug in over his COVID-zero policy and his loyalty to Vladimir Putin – and his reasoning does not bode well for the West. Originally published in the Australian…
Australia needs to find the right role in the Pacific
Australia needs to find the right role in the Pacific
Australia’s financial aid program in Pacific Island nations has not delivered the influence that we hoped for. Now we need to get a better idea of what the region really might…
A super-profits tax on resources could repair budget
A super-profits tax on resources could repair budget
Originally published in The Australian.
The right lessons to learn from Ukraine
The right lessons to learn from Ukraine
Australia should be careful in evaluating the impact of the Ukraine crisis on its strategic outlook. The crisis has not altered many of the key facts about our international…