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The testament of Solomons: RAMSI and international state-building
The testament of Solomons: RAMSI and international state-building
The unrest in Honiara of 18-19 April underlines the fragility of Solomon Islands as well as the sheer difficulty of rebuilding weak states. The background to and key features of…
Global macroeconomic consequences of pandemic influenza
Global macroeconomic consequences of pandemic influenza
In a major new Analysis, Professor Warwick McKibbin and Dr Alexandra Sidorenko explore the implications of a pandemic influenza outbreak on the global economy.  Warwick…
Iran, the international community and the nuclear issue: where to next?
Iran, the international community and the nuclear issue: where to next?
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis, Anthony Bubalo and Michael Fullilove examine the likely trajectory of efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear question, an issue that is likely to…
Environmental consequences of rising energy use in China
Environmental consequences of rising energy use in China
The emergence of China as an economic power has important implications for energy use and environmental outcomes at the local, regional and global levels. China is currently the…
The global macroeconomic consequences of a demographic transition
The global macroeconomic consequences of a demographic transition
The world is in the midst of a significant demographic transition with important implications for the macroeconomic performance of the global economy. This paper summarises…
Multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle
Multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle
In a Lowy Institute Issues Brief, former Australian Governor on the Board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Lance Joseph, addresses nuclear proliferation dangers of…
The global impact of demographic change
The global impact of demographic change
This paper examines the implications of the major demographic transition currently under way and over the next 80 years for Japan, the United States, the rest of the OECD, and…
Angels and dragons: Asia, the UN, reform and the next Secretary-General
Angels and dragons: Asia, the UN, reform and the next Secretary-General
This Issues Brief assesses the relationship between the United Nations and Asia – both the UN's activities in Asia and the behaviour of Asian states at the UN. Michael…
Global demographic change and Japanese macroeconomic performance
Global demographic change and Japanese macroeconomic performance
The world is in the midst of a significant demographic transition with important implications for the macroeconomic performance of the global economy. This paper summarises the…