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India energy needs
India energy needs
India's exploding demand for energy is confronting New Delhi with two important dilemmas. India's internal dilemma is that to satisfy its energy needs, it must balance reform and…
Energy insecurity: China, India and Middle East oil
Energy insecurity: China, India and Middle East oil
Anthony Bubalo and Mark Thirlwell examine China and India's growing thirst for imported oil, particularly from the Middle East, and consider some of the possible longer term…
The 'Khmer Islam' community in Cambodia and its foreign patrons
The 'Khmer Islam' community in Cambodia and its foreign patrons
Dr Milton Osborne, Australia's pre-eminent Cambodia expert, in a new Lowy Institute Issues Brief, looks at the revival of Cambodia's Islamic minority in the post-Pol Pot period…
Beyond Arafat
Beyond Arafat
Anthony Bubalo, research fellow, argues that Yasser Arafat's death could have longer term positive implications for both Palestinian political reform and efforts to resolve the…
Bush is from Mars, Kerry is from Mars too
Bush is from Mars, Kerry is from Mars too
Although there are significant differences in style and substance between George Bush and John Kerry, the similarities in foreign policy terms are more striking than is sometimes…
Transpacific trade imbalances: causes and cures
Transpacific trade imbalances: causes and cures
This Issues Brief by Professor Warwick McKibbin and others explores the causes of the transpacific trade imbalances using an empirical global model. It also evaluates the impact…
Parallel worlds
Parallel worlds
Depending on the way we look at the world at present it is possible to see the international system as unipolar or multipolar, as intensely inter-connected or deeply divided. Each…
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: China in the limelight
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: China in the limelight
John Bowan, a former senior Australian foreign policy official, and consultant to Beijing's successful Olympic bid, examines how Beijing and China won the 2008 Games and what this…
Israel withdrawal from Gaza: a role for Australia?
Israel withdrawal from Gaza: a role for Australia?
This paper explores the possibility that further Australian military forces will be sought for the Middle East, in this case for a peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip.  …