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Syria jail assault shows ISIS still has a pulse
Syria jail assault shows ISIS still has a pulse
Originally published in the Weekend Australian.
Flexing US muscle over Ukraine best way to deter alpha male Vladimir Putin
Flexing US muscle over Ukraine best way to deter alpha male Vladimir Putin
Originally published in the Weekend Australian.
More future than past in UK connection
More future than past in UK connection
The comfort blanket of shared history obscures the fact that Britain and Australia have many complementary assets to offer in their relations with the rest of the Indo-Pacific…
Best decision-making needed as Fortress Australia rejoins the world
Best decision-making needed as Fortress Australia rejoins the world
The central challenge is striking the right balance between negative and positive globalisation. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Winter Games harden China’s global freeze
Winter Games harden China’s global freeze
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were China’s coming out party as a global power. The 2022 Games tell a very different story. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Don’t let the China hawks frighten you
Don’t let the China hawks frighten you
China will become more powerful -- but any hostile reach towards Australia will always be limited by technology and regional politics. Originally published in the Australian…
Settling in for long, fruitful innings with new partner India
Settling in for long, fruitful innings with new partner India
Originally published in The Australian.
Australia can learn from Tokyo's smarter approach to China
Australia can learn from Tokyo's smarter approach to China
Japan has played its Beijing cards more intelligently than Canberra. Originally published in Nikkei Asia.