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Is the international trading system fragmenting? The dilemma for Australian trade policy
Is the international trading system fragmenting? The dilemma for Australian trade policy
The post-World War II international trade policy framework is being challenged by a proliferation of bilateral and regional trading arrangements. Australia faces a choice over…
The consequences of China WTO accession on its neighbours
The consequences of China WTO accession on its neighbours
Southeast Asian industrial exports are now facing intense competition from Chinese industrial exports. How much more would competition increase with China's recent accession to…
Estimates of the costs of Kyoto-Marrakesh versus the McKibbin-Wilcoxen Blueprint
Estimates of the costs of Kyoto-Marrakesh versus the McKibbin-Wilcoxen Blueprint
In this paper we update our earlier estimates of the cost of the Kyoto Protocol using the G-Cubed model, taking into account the new sink allowances from recent negotiations as…
Changes in equity risk perceptions: global consequences and policy responses
Changes in equity risk perceptions: global consequences and policy responses
The current weakness in the global economy has generated a debate on the likely outlook for the world economy and the appropriate response for monetary policies.  Warwick…