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Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
Digital Authoritarianism, China and COVID
The coronavirus has showcased China's cyber-powered social control capabilities, with implications for human rights worldwide.
2020 Asia Power Index Key Findings Report
2020 Asia Power Index Key Findings Report
The annual Asia Power Index — launched by the Lowy Institute in 2018 — measures resources and influence to rank the relative power of states in Asia. The project maps out the…
The Point of No Return: The 2020 Election and the Crisis of American Foreign Policy
The Point of No Return: The 2020 Election and the Crisis of American Foreign Policy
November's election puts the fundamental principles of US leadership to the test
The Australia–India Strategic Partnership: Accelerating Security Cooperation in the Indo–Pacific
The Australia–India Strategic Partnership: Accelerating Security Cooperation in the Indo–Pacific
Shared concerns about China's rise have propelled Australia and India to deepen their security ties
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
Despite a COVID-constrained global economy, rising unemployment and high government debt, meeting the fiscal challenge is within Australia's means
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
At a time when stability and predictability are needed most, the body at the heart of the rules-based trading system — the World Trade Organization — is reeling from far more than…
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
It’s time to rethink global governance and its priorities
Demanding the Future: Navigating the Pacific's Youth Bulge
Demanding the Future: Navigating the Pacific's Youth Bulge
With half the region's population aged under 23, the Pacific's 'youth bulge' will affect every area of development in the region in the coming decades
Assessing the Quad: Prospects and Limitations of Quadrilateral Cooperation for Advancing Australia’s Interests
Assessing the Quad: Prospects and Limitations of Quadrilateral Cooperation for Advancing Australia’s Interests
There is growing agreement between Australia, India, Japan and the United States that as China rises in Asia, the rules-based order needs strengthening and defending; but does the…