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There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
RBA governor Philip Lowe makes a reasonable point about the short-term suppression of wages in some industries. But long-run evidence shows migration lifts demand for workers…
Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
In an opinion piece originally published in The Australian newspaper, Lowy Institute director of public opinion and foreign policy Natasha Kassam and research director…
We only have a guest seat at G7 table
We only have a guest seat at G7 table
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Australia has been invited to this gathering of friends, but has no say in any decisions about how to get China to play by…
Unrivalled Xi Jinping still has challenges
Unrivalled Xi Jinping still has challenges
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. China’s ruling party and its leader are now masters of everything they survey. But can the economy keep delivering when…
Will Indonesia’s Omnibus reforms bolster recovery from COVID-19?
Will Indonesia’s Omnibus reforms bolster recovery from COVID-19?
Originally published in East Asia Forum. 
Catching up in the space race isn’t a moon shot
Catching up in the space race isn’t a moon shot
China’s ‘God of Fire’ mission foreshadows a scramble for control of space — and Australia is being left behind. Originally published in The Australian.
Australians have never been so fearful and insular
Australians have never been so fearful and insular
How Australia has dealt with COVID-19 and the rift with China underscores changes in the national psyche. Originally published in The Australian Financial Review.
Revealed: China’s plan to wean itself off Australian iron ore
Revealed: China’s plan to wean itself off Australian iron ore
For a China determined to punish Australia, the windfall gains delivered to Canberra from surging iron ore prices are intolerable. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
China, the West and Covid
China, the West and Covid
It is hard to believe the world will easily forget China’s governing system allowed Covid to get out of hand and spread to the four corners of the Earth. Originally published in…