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What’s gone wrong with our interest rate policy?
What’s gone wrong with our interest rate policy?
The RBA has been forced into lockstep with a misguided US Federal Reserve held hostage by volatile financial markets. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. 
Chaotic America means troubled world
Chaotic America means troubled world
The West pins its hopes on a rules-based liberal order. But that doesn’t work if the US standard-bearer is dysfunctional. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review…
Why Biden wants to be more Trump than Obama on China
Why Biden wants to be more Trump than Obama on China
Beijing should expect more policy continuity from Washington. Originally published in Nikkei Asia.
Australia’s politicians must get to know the neighbours
Australia’s politicians must get to know the neighbours
When other democracies are watching see how we manage China, it is odd that Australia is looking so far away for inspiration. Originally published in The Australian Financial…
Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Domestic reform key to India’s rise
The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple. Originally published by the Observer Research Foundation.
America’s best chance for unity
America’s best chance for unity
Published on 23 January 2021 in the Australian Financial Review.
We can’t combat China’s ‘grey zone’ war while polarised
We can’t combat China’s ‘grey zone’ war while polarised
Originally published in The Australian.
In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
There can be no return to the relations of the past. The question for 2021 is how to find a new settling point. Originally published in The Guardian.