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West Papua: The Issue That Won't Go Away for Melanesia
West Papua: The Issue That Won't Go Away for Melanesia
West Papuans continue to fight for independence with the support of many Pacific nations. Despite Indonesia’s opposition and the recent impact of COVID-19 on the region, the…
The Path of Least Resilience: Autocratic Rule and External Powers in the Middle East
The Path of Least Resilience: Autocratic Rule and External Powers in the Middle East
The examples of Egypt and Saudi Arabia show the risks in betting on the stability of autocratic regimes in the region. 
China’s Economic Choices
China’s Economic Choices
China’s economic growth has fallen to its slowest rate since 1990, and this deceleration looks set to continue unless China implements the kinds of deep reforms behind the…
Foreign and Security Policy in the new Malaysia
Foreign and Security Policy in the new Malaysia
Malaysia’s foreign and security policy faces myriad challenges, but not much is likely to change under Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘New Malaysia’ framework.
Ocean of debt? Belt and Road and debt diplomacy in the Pacific
Ocean of debt? Belt and Road and debt diplomacy in the Pacific
China has not been engaged in debt trap diplomacy — at least not yet
The Bougainville referendum and beyond
The Bougainville referendum and beyond
As Bougainville prepares for a referendum on independence, Australia must navigate a policy response that acknowledges the history of conflict and colonialism there,…
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
How Moscow is rebooting the ‘turn to the East’ as part of its global strategy
Behind the Veil: Women in jihad after the caliphate
Behind the Veil: Women in jihad after the caliphate
How the Islamic State has expanded the role of women in jihad and what that means for the future of jihad