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Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Originally published in The Australian.
Originally published on GNET Insights.
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Originally published in The Australian.
DFAT cuts show our foreign policy's khaki tinge
DFAT cuts show our foreign policy's khaki tinge
Underinvestment in diplomacy suggests Australia is more eager to defend against a disorderly world than to try to reshape it. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
Jokowi needs to change strategy
Jokowi needs to change strategy
This article was first published in The Straits Times.
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Originally published in The Australian.
Modern Monetary Theory and mainstream economics converging
Modern Monetary Theory and mainstream economics converging
Stephen Grenville gives a detailed account in the Eureka Report on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which after a decade on on the periphery of economic discussion, has…
China has only itself to blame for Australia's move on Hong Kong
China has only itself to blame for Australia's move on Hong Kong
The Australian government and its partners had no choice but to recognise the new reality in the territory and offer some of its citizens a way out. Originally published in The…