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Europe's crisis of unrealistic expectations
Europe's crisis of unrealistic expectations
Originally published in Australian Financial Review Hervé Lemahieu
Once we were the laughing stock of the world, but now it's worse
Once we were the laughing stock of the world, but now it's worse
At first the world laughed at Australia's political instability, but more serious consequences are emerging as international summit season comes to an end. This article was…
The G20 in a Zero-Sum World
The G20 in a Zero-Sum World
Originally published in Columbia Journal of International Affairs on 28 November 2018.  Roland Rajah
Jerusalem embassy move down and out of three counts
Jerusalem embassy move down and out of three counts
Originally published in The AustralianRodger Shanahan
Beware of joining US in a cold war it can’t win
Beware of joining US in a cold war it can’t win
Published in The Australian on 21 November 2018. Sam Roggeveen
Why the US should not simply decouple from China without building new partnerships
Why the US should not simply decouple from China without building new partnerships
Originally published in South China Morning PostRichard McGregor , Hervé Lemahieu
Terror: time to stop politicising and start getting practical
Terror: time to stop politicising and start getting practical
Originally published in Sydney Morning HeraldLydia Khalil
Australia versus China in the South Pacific
Australia versus China in the South Pacific
Originally published in Nikkei Asian ReviewRichard McGregor , Jonathan Pryke
Australia's eight principles for dealing with Trump's America
Australia's eight principles for dealing with Trump's America
Originally published in Australian Financial Review Michael Fullilove