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Integrating planned relocation in national climate action
Integrating planned relocation in national climate action
Five key insights for consideration by governments and policymakers.
Israel fights terror with one arm tied behind its back
Israel fights terror with one arm tied behind its back
Originally published in The Australian
Australian climate action must go beyond 'lifeline' for Tuvalu
Australian climate action must go beyond 'lifeline' for Tuvalu
Originally published in NikkeiAsia
The G20’s approach to debt has failed
The G20’s approach to debt has failed
Originally published on ChannelNews Asia
Bougainville's future weighs on PNG's political stability
Bougainville's future weighs on PNG's political stability
Originally published on The Economist Intelligence Unit
The world energy outlook: The good, the bad, and the ugly
The world energy outlook: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Originally published in Samoa Observer, 6 November 2023.