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More Indonesian maritime co-operation remains an elusive goal
More Indonesian maritime co-operation remains an elusive goal
Jakarta is only very slowly responding to Canberra's overtures for more joint security at sea. We have no choice but to persevere, writes Euan Graham. Originally published in The…
'The US public just wants to get through the Clinton-Trump election'
'The US public just wants to get through the Clinton-Trump election'
'After 18 months of a campaign that is universally described to have been the weirdest and one of the ugliest in living memory, folks are desperate for it all to be over.' …
Dominoes in the South China Sea
Dominoes in the South China Sea
First the Philippines, now Malaysia is being drawn deeper into China's orbit. Are dominoes teetering again in Southeast Asia? The limitations of that metaphor were clear in the…
Myanmar's road ahead: Growth, peace, and US Sanctions
Myanmar's road ahead: Growth, peace, and US Sanctions
In this article for Foreign Affairs, Research Fellow Aaron L. Connelly argues that the US should use its remaining sanctions authorities in Myanmar to discourage violence against…
Bizarro World has taken over global politics
Bizarro World has taken over global politics
Originally published in the Financial Times. From Trump to Duterte, old assumptions are being overturned, writes Michael Fullilove.  Michael Fullilove
US election puts TPP in doubt
US election puts TPP in doubt
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review. Hillary Clinton has been forced into explicit disavowal of the TPP. She was a supporter of the TPP's "gold standard" when she was…
Good options in Syria don't exist
Good options in Syria don't exist
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Rodger Shanahan
Does modern diplomacy still need a global network of embassies?
Does modern diplomacy still need a global network of embassies?
In a special issue of Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, the electronic journal of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Alex Oliver argues that embassies are still essential…
Will China rule the world? Asian superpower faces uncertain future
Will China rule the world? Asian superpower faces uncertain future
Originally published in the Australian on 8 October 2016. Alan Dupont