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Do we need embassies anymore?
Do we need embassies anymore?
In conjunction with the release of the Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index, Alex Oliver writes in Foreign Affairs about the challenges facing the institution of the embassy…
Regardless of Defence White Paper, we are being out-spent and out-built by China
Regardless of Defence White Paper, we are being out-spent and out-built by China
This piece was originally published in The Australian Financial Review.Euan Graham
Australia's ignorance about Papua New Guinea is a loss for both nations
Australia's ignorance about Papua New Guinea is a loss for both nations
Read the extract at The Guardian here. See more details about The Embarrassed Colonialist here. Sean Dorney
Beijing must beware the Thucydides trap
Beijing must beware the Thucydides trap
Beijing must beware the Thucydides trapAlan DupontThe Australian2 February 2016Alan Dupont
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracy
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracy
China's hazy GDP numbers more confusion than conspiracyLeon BerkelmansAustralian Financial Review22 January 2016Click here for the online text.Leon Berkelmans
Saudi royals send a message
Saudi royals send a message
Saudi royals send a messageRodger ShanahanThe Australian8 January 2016Rodger Shanahan
Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its allies
Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its allies
Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its alliesRodger ShanahanThe Australian4 January 2016 Click here for the online text.Rodger Shanahan
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to China
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to China
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to ChinaMichael FulliloveThe Australian26 September 2015Click here for online text.Michael Fullilove
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changes
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changes
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changesMichael FulliloveThe Australian3 October 2015Click here for online text. Michael Fullilove