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You can’t model what you don’t understand
You can’t model what you don’t understand
Originally published in The Australian on 8 October 2023.
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
China is steadily building an alternative world order
China is steadily building an alternative world order
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review on 29 September 2023.
Will ASEAN’s first joint military exercise prepare it for future crises?
Will ASEAN’s first joint military exercise prepare it for future crises?
Originally published in Channel News Asia, 27 September 2023.
Australia should rejoin the world's largest climate fund
Australia should rejoin the world's largest climate fund
Originally published in The Canberra Times, 23 September 2023.
The US–Pacific Islands Partnership, one year on
The US–Pacific Islands Partnership, one year on
Originally published in Pacific Island Times, 22 September 2023.
Fiscal policy an essential tool for controlling the economy
Fiscal policy an essential tool for controlling the economy
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review, 17 September 2023.