- The Indian Government is proposing a basic income guarantee in India that it estimates would cost 0.3% of GDP. Maitreesh Ghatak argues that it would cost up to 11% of GDP, which is particularly worrying in a country where 'only 1% of Indians actually pay income tax, while a mere 2.3% file tax returns' (h/t David McKenzie).
- The Washington Post reports on new research that shows how war can foster cooperation in affected communities afterwards.
- Meanwhile, LSE hosted a public lecture from Peter Gill lamenting how foreign aid has been compromised and undermined by the War on Terror (h/t Devpolicy).
- Duncan Green takes a look at the likely impact of Brexit on development, aid and Oxfam. Owen Barder does the same.
- Nathan Siegel has written about how the future of Quakerism belongs to Kenya, where more than a third of the global Quaker population now resides.
- Charles Kenny has ten recommendations for donors funding technology.
- With the outcome of Australian federal election still up in the air, take a look at how the major parties stack up on their aid and development commitments.
- Finally, Seth Berkley has written about the severe negative impact rapid urbanisation can have on global health.
Photo: Getty images/Lintao Zhang