- The Economist has argued for the profound potential benefits enhanced labour mobility could have on the world. Late last year the Lowy Institute released a research paper on the impact greater labour mobility could have in the Pacific region.
- The Guardian and Reuters have both covered the questionable tactics of tobacco companies in the developing world in their attempts to curb the kind of regulation we have come to expect in the developed.
- A new report on the future of international development NGOs has warned that they must 'change or die', and dramatically reform their governance structures and work more collectively if they wish to effectively address the challenges of the 21st century. The Guardian provides a summary here.
- Oxfam has released a new report ranking commitments to tackling inequality from all 193 countries of the world. Sweden is at the top and Nigeria at the bottom (Australia is 14th).
- The UK has pledged £30 million over for years towards a new style of aid project that will provide insurance against disasters in Africa.
- The New York Times and the Atlantic both have stories discussing results from a recent randomised controlled trial on deforestation, where people in Uganda were paid not to cut down their trees.
- Benjamin Sullivan writes about the youth bulge in Timor-Leste and the engagement of young people in the political process.
Aid and development links: Labour mobility, the future of NGOs, inequality and more
The potential benefits of increased labour mobility, tackling inequality, deforestation and more.
Published 24 Jul 2017
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