Marty Harris is an Assistant Digital Editor at the Lowy Institute.
- Prime Minister Rudd's defence of marriage equality on Q&A went viral: covered by TIME, BBC, The Independent, the UK Telegraph, The Washington Post, and many others. A YouTube clip of the Prime Minister's remarks has been viewed more than 400,000 times.
- Matt Siegal of the New York Times looks at News Corporation's role in the campaign.
- Also in the NY Times, Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove laments that Australia's difficult economic and security choices have not been a feature of the campaign.
- Crikey looks at the estimated 80,000 Australians who'll vote overseas on Saturday.
- Do we know how good we've got it? Nobel Prize in economics recipient Joseph Stiglitz thinks not.
- Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes argues that 'Rudd's entire campaign is a stunt' and that 'Abbott's problem isn't gaffes; it's his spending plans'.
- David Hayes surveys the British media's coverage of the Australian election. His verdict? Lively but limited.
- This is a little dated but worth including: John McTernan, Prime Minister Gillard's former communications director, comments on the differences in political practice between the UK and Australia.
- Finally, the Straits Times claims that the Australian Defence Force will come out a winner, no matter which party wins the election. Lowy's James Brown and Rory Medcalf think otherwise.