Published daily by the Lowy Institute

Reader riposte: In defence of China's air-defence zone

Reader riposte: In defence of China's air-defence zone
Published 28 Nov 2013 

Michael Li responds to Jerry Nockles' article:

The claim that the greatest danger of China's rise is miscalculation is correct, but surely the creation of an air defence identification zone (ADIZ) adds, rather than subtracts, the transparency that is necessary to build up a mutually acceptable level of trust between China, its neighbours, and the United States. China's rise has been so rapid that we do not have the luxury of achieving a mutually acceptable accomodation between the US and China over decades, hence the need for rapid, unilateral action if necessary. The ADIZ is a move that contributes to stability.

It is extremely concerning to me to read a wave of negative reaction to this announcement in the Western press, despite the self-evident fact that China's announcement amounts to a request for foreign, unknown aircraft to identify themselves to China. How can this be a negative, 'provocative' act? Was it equally destabilising for the US, Japan, and many others to announce identical structures? You might say that China was more threatening in its announcement, but since when has a Great Power allowed itself to be browbeaten into renouncing the use of force in perceived self-defense?

The Soviet Union had a sweeping empire in Eastern Europe, as well as vast, empty wastes with which to swallow up potential foes. China is far more vulnerable, as its most populous cities and prosperous economic zones are right on the coast. The US and Japanese outrage this time amounts to, in my view, the simple reaction of two countries who feel their ability for coercion over China slipping noticeably from their grasp.

You might protest that the US and Japan harbour no such malignant intentions, but the US is flying B-52 bombers over the area right now in a show of friendship? Why is the US so unable to show China some face? Why for that matter can the people of the West not see through the sheer unfairness of their governments' accusations?

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