Matthew Hill is a doctoral student at Cornell University's Department of Government.
- Does more data mean better metrics of military victory? Mark Stout doesn’t think so.
- Russia’s arms build-up is the real deal — as are the demographic and economic headwinds it will face.
- Sir Lawrence Freedman has published his magnum opus, Strategy: A History. It is reviewed here.
- Is Britain’s pursuit of cutting-edge technology bankrupting its military capacity? A counter argument is provided by Thin Pinstriped Line.
- Over in the US, the federal government shutdown is already producing strategic ramifications.
- Nonetheless, the Pentagon continues to plan its surge of assets to the Asia-Pacific. This week it’s the Global Hawk.
- Would abandoning the framework of ‘war’ against terrorism change legal practices surrounding counter-terrorism? Don’t count on it.
- A six-year old wanted to know who was quieter: Navy SEALs, or ninjas. So he wrote a letter to the head of US Special Operations Command.