- The penny, symbol of America's governmental dysfunction.
- Gideon Rachman defends defeated Italian PM Mario Monti and his austerity regime from Paul Krugman's attack.
- 3 Quarks Daily, one of my favourite daily distractions, hosts a symposium on drone warfare.
- There are an estimated 12.3 million people in forced labour worldwide; 1.5 million of these are being sexually exploited. (H/t 3QD.)
- 'The lower a voters' income, the more likely she is to support aggressive use of coercive bargaining in interstate conflicts.'
- Three reasons not to arm Syria's rebels.
- Iran and nuclear weapons: former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says deterrence is the best approach. (H/t TAC.)
- And on the related subject of US negotiating strategy with Iran, Stephen Walt asks: 'If someone threatened to punish you unless you did something you didn't want to do, how would you respond?'
- On the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, a BBC interviewer grills Tony Blair (h/t Friedersdorf):
Thursday links: Tony Blair, Iran's nukes, drones, human trafficking and more
Published 28 Feb 2013
Follow @SamRoggeveen
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