Videos from the Lowy Institute, including of events with prime ministers, global media proprietors, leading intellectuals, and the most influential world leaders of our generation.


Q&A - Reforms, Representatives and Re-Election

Panellists: James Fallows, American writer and journalist; Laura Tingle, Political Editor, The Australian Financial Review; George Megalogenis, Author and Commentator; Iain Walker, Executive Director, The newDemocracy Foundation; and Pru Goward, NSW Cabinet Minister.

The Q&A panel discussed stalled reforms, politician’s promises, sensationalism, unrepresentative reps, parties out of touch, a selfish public, refugee policy and re-election.

Q&A - Reforms, Representatives and Re-Election
Q&A - Reforms, Representatives and Re-Election

Panellists: James Fallows, American writer and journalist; Laura Tingle, Political Editor, The Australian Financial Review; George Megalogenis, Author and Commentator; Iain Walker, Executive Director, The newDemocracy Foundation; and Pru Goward, NSW Cabinet Minister.

The Q&A panel discussed stalled reforms, politician’s promises, sensationalism, unrepresentative reps, parties out of touch, a selfish public, refugee policy and re-election.

2 May 2016
Senator Richard Di Natale's address to the Lowy Institute
Senator Richard Di Natale's address to the Lowy Institute

On 17 May, Richard Di Natale address the Lowy Institute on how to build a more confident Australia for a challenging world.

17 May 2016
Q&A - Peace, Ideology & Free Speech
Q&A - Peace, Ideology & Free Speech

Panellists: John Hewson, Former leader of the Liberal Party; Amanda Rishworth, South Australian Labor MP; John Stackhouse, Visiting Christian Scholar; Michael Ware, War correspondent and filmmaker; and Alex Oliver, Director, Polling Program, Lowy Institute.

The Q&A panel discussed: peace & religion, the Bible, origins of ISIS, terrorism in perspective, freedom of speech, Shorten at TURC and the Pope, capitalism & communism

13 July 2015
Q&A - Friends and Allies in Foreign Policy
Q&A - Friends and Allies in Foreign Policy

Panellists: Bob Carr, Former Foreign Minister; Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy; Alison Broinowski, Former Australian Diplomat; Emily Howie, Director of Advocacy, Human Rights Law Centre; and Sow Keat Tok, Deputy Director, Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne.

Q&A's foreign policy panel discussed: revolving door PMs, South China Sea, choosing between US and China, ties to the US, alternatives in Syria, global climate change policy and human rights in China.

19 October 2015
Sydney cafe siege analysis
Sydney cafe siege analysis

Anthony Bubalo, a research director at the Sydney-based Lowy Institute for International Policy, comments on Al Jazeera regarding the hostage situation at a Sydney cafe.

14 December 2014
Migration and security: rhetoric and reality
Migration and security: rhetoric and reality

Along with the increase in focus on the need for policymakers and the community to implement and support initiatives on countering violent extremism, there has been a tendency to put migration high on the agenda too. The phenomenon of foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria – small in number but significant in political impact – is at risk of dominating the migration and security discussion.
Recent events in Australia and Europe are causing some to reflect on the apparent failures of integration that have radicalised some immigrants and their descendants. There may be some who are drawing a line uncritically between irregular migration, asylum and the risk of importing terrorism. Each of the links between migration and violent extremism is relevant and needs to be understood and confronted; but to cast migration as only a negative influence would be erroneous. 

In this video, Dr Koser will outline key aspects of the broader migration and security discussion and how it is changing as well as discuss some ideas about how migration should be part of the solution. 

Dr Khalid Koser MBE is Executive Director of the Global Community and Engagement Resilience Fund (GCERF) and Non-Resident Fellow at the Lowy Institute. Dr Koser is also Associate Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Non-Resident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, Associate Fellow at Chatham House, Research Associate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and extraordinary Professor in Conflict, Peace and Security in the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences at the University of Maastricht. He is also chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Migration, and editor of the Journal of Refugee Studies. Dr Koser is a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).

29 June 2015
Implementation of Iran Deal Will Be Difficult: Bubalo
Implementation of Iran Deal Will Be Difficult: Bubalo

Anthony Bubalo, research director at the Lowy Institute for International Policy, discusses the Iran nuclear deal. He speaks with Bloomberg's Angie Lau on "First Up."

15 July 2015
Lowy Lecture 2015 - General (Ret.) David Petraeus AO
Lowy Lecture 2015 - General (Ret.) David Petraeus AO

This year's Lowy Lecture was delivered by General (Ret.) David Petraeus AO. 
General Petraeus is one of the most outstanding US generals of recent times. He commanded coalition forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq with great success. He also served as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency until 2012. He holds a PhD in international relations from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. General Petraeus remains an influential adviser to US policymakers and, as Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, one of the leading thinkers about geopolitical developments and America’s role in the world.
The annual Lowy Lecture is the Lowy Institute's signature event each year, at which a prominent individual reflects on Australia’s role in the world and the world’s influence on Australia. Past Lowy Lecturers have included H.E. Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Rupert Murdoch AC, Executive Chairman of News Corp;  Lionel Barber, Editor of the Financial Times; and Prime Minister John Howard OM AC, who delivered the inaugural Lowy Lecture in 2005.

2 September 2015
Dr Euan Graham on the use of nuclear weapons
Dr Euan Graham on the use of nuclear weapons

Dr Euan Graham, Director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute, speaks to Al Jazeera about the past and present use of nuclear weapons.

7 August 2015