Videos from the Lowy Institute, including of events with prime ministers, global media proprietors, leading intellectuals, and the most influential world leaders of our generation.


In Conversation: Michael Fullilove and Richard Flanagan

In 11 November 2013, Remembrance Day, author of the acclaimed novel 'The Narrow Road to the Deep North', Richard Flanagan, joined the Lowy Institute’s Executive Director Michael Fullilove to reflect on memory, war, the Australian character, and the relationship between fiction and history.

In Conversation: Michael Fullilove and Richard Flanagan
In Conversation: Michael Fullilove and Richard Flanagan

In 11 November 2013, Remembrance Day, author of the acclaimed novel 'The Narrow Road to the Deep North', Richard Flanagan, joined the Lowy Institute’s Executive Director Michael Fullilove to reflect on memory, war, the Australian character, and the relationship between fiction and history.

12 November 2013
Annual Lowy Institute Lecture 2013: Rupert Murdoch AC
Annual Lowy Institute Lecture 2013: Rupert Murdoch AC

On 31 October 2013, Rupert Murdoch AC delivered the tenth anniversary Lowy Lecture at the Town Hall in Sydney. In front of 700 guests, the News Corp Executive Chairman spoke of the need for Australia to be competitive in the 21st century.

Introductory remarks were given by the Chairman of the Lowy Institute, Frank Lowy AC (10:55) and the Institute's Executive Director, Dr Michael Fullilove (0:10). Mr Murdoch's speech begins at 14:25. Also included is a special video marking the tenth anniversary of the Lowy Institute for International Policy (4:40).

5 November 2013
Lowy Institute Media Award 2013
Lowy Institute Media Award 2013

On 26 September 2013 the Lowy Institute for International Policy announced the winner of the inaugural Lowy Institute Media Award.

Fairfax's John Garnaut has won the inaugural Lowy Institute Media Award. John was nominated for his in-depth work on the leadership transition in China, his reporting on the Bo Xilai case, and coverage of tensions in the South China Sea.

The keynote address at the award ceremony was given by ASIS Director-General Nick Warner, who spoke about his late father, war correspondent Denis Warner.

An extended version of Nick Warner's speech is available here: 

2 October 2013
What drives Chinese investment in Australia? China Changing Lecture in Beijing
What drives Chinese investment in Australia? China Changing Lecture in Beijing

On 18 September 2013, the Lowy Institute for International Policy hosted Mr Andrew Michelmore, Eecutive Director MMG Limited as the keynote speaker for the Lowy Institute 10th Anniversary China Changing Lecture in Beijing. Mr Michelmore, based on his extensive professional experience, shared his views on the Australia-China investment relationship and the role played by Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOE) in Australian resource and energy investments.

18 September 2013
Views across the Pacific: Ernie Bower and Dave McRae discuss Myanmar
Views across the Pacific: Ernie Bower and Dave McRae discuss Myanmar

The Lowy Institute for International Policy, in partnership with leading U.S. think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), presents a new video discussion series entitled "Views Across the Pacific". These real-time conversations feature experts from both organisations discussing topical foreign policy issues, providing a fresh global perspective that highlights unique geographic viewpoints from Washington D.C. and Sydney, Australia.

The fourth video in the series features the Lowy Institute’s Indonesia specialist, Dave McRae, and CSIS’ Senior Adviser and Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies, Ernie Bower, talking about current developments in Myanmar (Burma). They discuss US and Australian approaches to the political reform process (1:15, 2:25), noting the coordinated removal of economic sanctions by the international community.  Human rights get a mention (3:15), as well as the reestablishment of military ties between some Western and regional states and Myanmar (4:33). Finally, Dave and Ernie analyse the role of aid in supporting the reform process (6:30).

11 September 2013
'The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia' — Solahudin and Dave McRae, Part 2
'The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia' — Solahudin and Dave McRae, Part 2

The Lowy Institute is pleased to invite you to the launch of The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: from Darul Islam to Jema'ah Islamiyah by a leading expert in Islamic extremism in Indonesia, Solahudin. Published jointly by the Lowy Institute and New South Publishing, the book is an edited English language edition of Solahudin's best selling NII Sampai JI: Salafy Jihadisme di Indonesia, translated by the Lowy Institute's Dr Dave McRae.

In a two part interview, Dr McRae and Solahudin discuss some of the book's key points.

28 August 2013
Address by the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia
Address by the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia

On Tuesday 27 August Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered an address to the Lowy Institute in Sydney on global and regional economic and security challenges facing Australia.

28 August 2013
'The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia' — Solahudin and Dave McRae, Part I
'The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia' — Solahudin and Dave McRae, Part I

The Lowy Institute is pleased to invite you to the launch of The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: from Darul Islam to Jema'ah Islamiyah by a leading expert in Islamic extremism in Indonesia, Solahudin. Published jointly by the Lowy Institute and New South Publishing, the book is an edited English language edition of Solahudin's best selling NII Sampai JI: Salafy Jihadisme di Indonesia, translated by the Lowy Institute's Dr Dave McRae.

In a two part interview, Dr McRae and Solahudin discuss some of the book's key points.

23 August 2013
China Changing Lecture 2013: Linda Jakobson
China Changing Lecture 2013: Linda Jakobson

On 15 August 2013 Linda Jakobson presented her 'China Changing Lecture'. Linda evaluated the first six months of Chinese foreign policy under President Xi Jinping and assessed the implications of China’s new proactive diplomacy.

19 August 2013