Videos from the Lowy Institute, including of events with prime ministers, global media proprietors, leading intellectuals, and the most influential world leaders of our generation.


Lowy Lecture Series: Vice Adm Scott Swift, Commander, US 7th Fleet — Maritime Security

On 16 July 2013 Vice Admiral Scott Swift spoke at the Lowy Institute on maritime security in the Indo-Pacific.

Vice Admiral Swift is the Commander of the US Navy’s largest forward-deployed naval force, the Japan-based 7th Fleet. He has responsibility for the majority of naval operations in East Asia, including contingencies on the Korean peninsula.

 Lowy Lecture Series: Vice Adm Scott Swift, Commander, US 7th Fleet — Maritime Security
Lowy Lecture Series: Vice Adm Scott Swift, Commander, US 7th Fleet — Maritime Security

On 16 July 2013 Vice Admiral Scott Swift spoke at the Lowy Institute on maritime security in the Indo-Pacific.

Vice Admiral Swift is the Commander of the US Navy’s largest forward-deployed naval force, the Japan-based 7th Fleet. He has responsibility for the majority of naval operations in East Asia, including contingencies on the Korean peninsula.

19 July 2013
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (3/3)
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (3/3)

In the final installment of Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto fellow Professor Zha Daojiong's interviews with Dirk van der Kley, Professor Zha discusses some of the broader aspects of the Australia-China investment relationship. Professor Zha notes that Australia remains an attractive investment destination for Chinese companies, while cautioning that Chinese companies need to do more to understand the Australian regulatory environment. Finally, the broader Australia-China geo-strategic relationship is discussed, with Professor Zha noting that there is no 'historical baggage' in relations between the two countries.

12 July 2013
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (1/3)
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (1/3)

In the first of a three part series, the inaugural Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow Professor Zha Daojiong discusses with Dirk Van der Kley Chinese investment in Australia. Professor Zha offers insight into the four main drivers of Chinese foreign investment, explains the appeal of Australia as an investment option for China and, in a humorous twist,  discusses why foreign investment relationships are similar to dating.

12 July 2013
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (2/3)
In conversation: Professor Zha Daojiong on Chinese investment in Australia (2/3)

In the second of a three part series, the inaugural Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow Professor Zha Daojiong continues his discussion with Dirk Van der Kley on Chinese investment in Australia, this time focusing on Chinese state owned enterprises (SOEs). Professor Zha outlines the confusion surrounding definitions of SOEs, before turning to a discussion of management practices in these organisations.

12 July 2013
In conversation: India and China — C Raja Mohan and Rory Medcalf
In conversation: India and China — C Raja Mohan and Rory Medcalf

Rory Medcalf, Director of the Lowy Institute's International Security Program, recently sat down with Lowy nonresident Fellow C Raja Mohan to discuss the current state of India–China relations.

C Raja Mohan is also Head of Strategic Studies and Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation.

11 July 2013
In conversation: Australia and India — C Raja Mohan and Rory Medcalf
In conversation: Australia and India — C Raja Mohan and Rory Medcalf

Rory Medcalf, Director of the Lowy Institute's International Security Program, recently sat down with Lowy nonresident Fellow C Raja Mohan. They discuss the growing relationship between India and Western Australia, increasing defence ties between Australia and India, and the changing Indo-Pacific strategic environment.

C Raja Mohan is also Head of Strategic Studies and Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation.

10 July 2013
Ten Late News Focus: James Brown talks about the recent Defence scandal
Ten Late News Focus: James Brown talks about the recent Defence scandal

On 25th June 2013, Channel Ten's Late News Focus aired an interview with Lowy Institute's James Brown about the recent defence scandal and its implications on the ADF.

4 July 2013
 In conversation: John Garnaut on being a foreign correspondent
In conversation: John Garnaut on being a foreign correspondent

Recently returned from his stint as Fairfax's China correspondent, John Garnaut discusses his experiences with the Lowy Institute's Stephanie Dunstan. Garnaut describes the growing importance of China to the Australian economy, the massive changes occurring in China, and the rise of Chinese social media.

28 June 2013
In conversation: Bonnie Glaser and Linda Jakobson — The US and the East China Sea dispute
In conversation: Bonnie Glaser and Linda Jakobson — The US and the East China Sea dispute

The Lowy Institute's East Asia Program Director, Linda Jakobson, chats with Bonnie Glaser, Senior Adviser for Asia at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies. Bonnie and Linda discuss US policy towards the East China Sea dispute, noting that the key foreign policy goal of the US in this area is to avoid escalation.

28 June 2013