Videos from the Lowy Institute, including of events with prime ministers, global media proprietors, leading intellectuals, and the most influential world leaders of our generation.


In conversation: Michael Fullilove interviews Ambassador Chan Heng Chee

Lowy Institute Executive Director welcomes new Ambassador Chan Heng Chee to the Institute's Board. Ambassador Chan discusses the current political situation in Singapore and the influence small countries can have on world affairs.

In conversation: Michael Fullilove interviews Ambassador Chan Heng Chee
In conversation: Michael Fullilove interviews Ambassador Chan Heng Chee

Lowy Institute Executive Director welcomes new Ambassador Chan Heng Chee to the Institute's Board. Ambassador Chan discusses the current political situation in Singapore and the influence small countries can have on world affairs.

24 May 2013
SBS World News Australia: James Brown talks about the Defence White Paper
SBS World News Australia: James Brown talks about the Defence White Paper

On 3rd May 2013, the day of the release of the Defence White Paper, SBS World News Australia aired a story featuring an interview with Lowy Institute's James Brown. James' views on the Defence White Paper can be read on the Lowy Interpreter
Lowy Institute's press release about the Defence White Paper can be accessed at:
Footage courtesy of SBS.

17 May 2013
 In conversation: India Poll 2013 — Rory Medcalf
In conversation: India Poll 2013 — Rory Medcalf

On 20 May 2013 the Lowy Institute and Australia India Institute published the ground-breaking India Poll 2013, which looks at how Indians view a wide range of foreign policy and security challenges, and how these connect to vital domestic policy questions relating to India’s future. In this video, the poll's author Rory Medcalf discusses some of the findings.

17 May 2013
In conversation: China-Taiwan relations and Taiwanese defence policy — Dr Chong-Pin Lin
In conversation: China-Taiwan relations and Taiwanese defence policy — Dr Chong-Pin Lin

On 16 May 2012, former Taiwan Deputy Defence Minister Dr Chong-Pin Lin attended a ‘China Forum’ at the Lowy Institute. After the meeting, the Institute's Sam Roggeveen caught up with Dr Lin, and asked him some questions about Taiwan's relations with mainland China.  Dr Lin noted that Beijing has now learned that ‘buying Taiwan is cheaper than attacking Taiwan,’ adding that the risk of conflict between Taiwan and China has been reduced to ‘close to zero’.

17 May 2013
In conversation: China's geo-strategic influence in the Pacific Islands - Jenny Hayward-Jones
In conversation: China's geo-strategic influence in the Pacific Islands - Jenny Hayward-Jones

China’s activities in the Pacific Islands are being viewed akin to its growing geo-strategic role in Asia. In this short video Melanesia Program Director Jenny Hayward Jones discusses China’s growing engagement in the region, arguing that it is inaccurate and potentially counter-productive to view China’s activities in geo-strategic terms. Jenny points out that concerns about Chinese strategic ambitions are overstated, based on evidence collected in her new research paper Big enough for all of us: geo-strategic competition in the Pacific Islands.

16 May 2013
Defence in Depth: Expert views on the Defence Budget
Defence in Depth: Expert views on the Defence Budget

In the lead up to the 2013-14 Federal Budget, Australia's defence experts give their views on the current state of the Defence Budget. Includes views from Major General Jim Molan (Retd), Andrew Davies and Peter Jennings from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Hugh White, and more.

13 May 2013
Lowy Lecture Series: Burma's transition: progress and prospects
Lowy Lecture Series: Burma's transition: progress and prospects

On 8 May 2013, the Lowy Institute hosted a panel discussion on polictical and economic reform in Burma (Myanmar).  The Institute's Executive Director, Dr Michael Fullilove, chaired the panel, which included long time Burma watchers Dr Andrew Selth from the Griffith Asia Institute and Dr Sean Turnell from Macquarie University.

9 May 2013
In conversation: Michael Fullilove, Sean Turnell and Andrew Selth discuss the reform process in Burma
In conversation: Michael Fullilove, Sean Turnell and Andrew Selth discuss the reform process in Burma

Lowy Institute Executive Director Dr Michael Fullilove interviews two of Australia's most prominent Burma watchers: Dr Andrew Selth of the Griffith Asia Institute and Dr Sean Turnell from Macquarie University. They discuss the current reform process in Burma, inclulding the likelihood of Aung San Suu Kyi becoming President (0:46), the depth of economic reform since 2011 (1:47), and whether they think reform will continue (3:45).

9 May 2013
In conversation: James Brown & Rory Medcalf on the 2013 Australian Defence White Paper
In conversation: James Brown & Rory Medcalf on the 2013 Australian Defence White Paper

Lowy Institute security experts Rory Medcalf and James Brown review the 2013 Australian Defence White Paper. In a wide ranging conversation, James and Rory cover the launch event (0:21), production budget (1:35), headline stars (3:35), and whether the sequel improves on the 2009 version (4:20). Watch to see what they award it out of five stars (5:20). 

6 May 2013