Blogs and blogging

Wednesday links: Robots, op-eds, ending a country, submarines and more
Thanks to @RohanAlexander for reading my 10 Tips for Writing Op-Eds, and for recommending Andrew Leigh MP's essay on the same subject. Artificial intelligence raises profound…
Tuesday links: Obama scandals, Kenneth Waltz, budget, Iran and more
The famously scandal-free Obama Administration suddenly has two to deal with: one involving the Justice Department obtaining journalists' phone records, and the other about tax…
Monday links: Taiwan and China, Syria and Israel, Abenomics and more
Despite the growth of China's armed forces, the defence of Taiwan is not a lost cause. Abenomics is working, says Matthew Yglesias. As for Shinzo Abe's foreign and security…
Thursday linkage: Conan O'Brien, aid, SSBNs, top world thinkers and more
I'm late to this, but you should take a look at a new Carnegie Endowment assessment of China's military growth and its implications for the US-Japan alliance. The NY Times has a…
Tuesday links: Energy, China diplomacy, Syria, Jane Austen and more
China becoming a player in Israel-Palestine diplomacy? Via Fallows, a scathing take on modern China: 'It's becomes painfully obvious to me how something like the Great Leap…
Monday links: Indonesia, Confucianism, urbanism, utopianism and more
Help wanted: the Lowy Institute is looking for a new Director for its Global Issues program, and a Research Fellow for the G20 Studies Centre. New books, films and conferences…
Wednesday links: Youth unemployment, oil, think tanks, Jordan and more
A bland media release from Europe's officials statistics agency tells a tale of a vast human misery: unemployment in Greece and Spain is around 27%, with youth unemployment…
Tuesday links: Krugman, China's nukes, Syria, Defence White Paper and more
Paul Krugman asks: why aren't we seeing more protectionism during the current recession? What Russia and the US can teach China about nuclear disarmament. Japanese power…
Monday links: ASIO, Game of Thrones, Japan, unemployment and more
Afghanistan: the CIA is delivering bags of cash 'to maintain access to Mr. Karzai and his inner circle'. (Thanks Michael.) A US Congressional Research Service report on global…
Wednesday linkage: Essay contest, China's media, Daily Show and more
The Lowy Institute has launched its undergraduate essay competition. Everywhere you go in China, you see hints of liberalisation. But not in the media, or any other sector that…