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The Indo-Pacific Development Centre

The Indo-Pacific Development Centre (IPDC) is a policy research centre at the Lowy Institute dedicated to generating fresh policy insights and ideas on the most pressing economic development issues in the Indo-Pacific region. The IPDC focuses on key challenges facing emerging and developing economies in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and South Asia as well as the role of more advanced Indo-Pacific economies such as Australia, the United States, Japan, China, and others in helping shape the future economic development of the region.

The work of the IPDC is organised around six key themes:

  • Post-Covid recovery, growth and development
  • Climate finance and decarbonising development
  • Technology and the digital economy
  • Globalisation and regional integration
  • The future of international development finance
  • Geoeconomics and the intersection of development and security

As part of its development finance pillar, the IPDC houses the Lowy Institute’s Pacific Aid Map, a digital interactive that tracks all official development finance flows to the Pacific region.

The IPDC has been established with the support of multi-year funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Featured projects

Southeast Asia Aid Map
Southeast Asia Aid Map
New interactive tracking more than 100,000 development projects, the most comprehensive assessment of development flows in Southeast Asia ever undertaken.
Pacific Aid Map 2022
Pacific Aid Map 2022
Updated research shows the unprecedented disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Pacific Islands region caused upheaval in how international donors provide aid.
Latest publications
News and media
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, as the adage goes. And in terms of measuring gender equality and women’s empowerment, considerable barriers exist. While significant…
A new global climate finance goal must balance need with political reality
A new global climate finance goal must balance need with political reality
Setting a new goal for the provision of climate finance to developing countries is poised to be the central topic for global climate negotiations across this year. Striking a…
Go big or go home: Australia should invest at scale in Southeast Asia’s energy transition
Go big or go home: Australia should invest at scale in Southeast Asia’s energy transition
Australia is looking to lift its engagement with Southeast Asia. Australia’s Special Envoy to ASEAN, Nicholas Moore, last year set out a new economic strategy to deliver on that…
Global poverty is still a massive problem – no matter how you count it
Global poverty is still a massive problem – no matter how you count it
The world must return its focus to the fight against global poverty. The Covid-19 pandemic pushed millions more into extreme poverty while the global economic recovery thereafter…
Indonesians abroad exercise their right to vote
Indonesians abroad exercise their right to vote
Millions of Indonesians are heading to the polls today to choose their next leader, and those residing in Australia have already delivered their democratic right. About 35,000…
A new China loan threatens Vanuatu’s debt outlook
A new China loan threatens Vanuatu’s debt outlook
Several Pacific nations have experienced a spike in public debt in recent years due to Covid-related border closures, trade disruptions, and climate-related disasters. Vanuatu,…
Tonga walks a tightrope on its Chinese debts
Tonga walks a tightrope on its Chinese debts
Tonga’s debt burden is set to balloon over the next five years as the deadline looms on loans from China. Repayments will see the country’s debt burden rise to among the highest…
Drivers of change in the Pacific
Drivers of change in the Pacific
The start of 2024 saw the Pacific islands hit global headlines with news of riots in Papua New Guinea and Nauru make a strategic switch in the diplomatic stoush between Taiwan and…
Radio Free Asia
30 June 2023