The Bali Bombings, 10 years on

The Bali Bombings, 10 years on
Published 12 Oct 2012 

Today marks 10 years since the 2002 Bali bombings, Indonesia's worst terror attack, in which 202 people were killed. At memorial services, commemorations, or in private, many people will pause today to remember and reflect.

In today's Australian Financial Review, I look at Indonesia's response to the Bali bombings and to Islamic extremism. I argue that having expended great effort to significantly reduce the threat of terrorism, the time is overdue for Indonesia to act to bring violent religious intolerance under control.

Also, for those who missed last week's panel discussion with Mick Keelty and myself on the Bali bombings, their aftermath and the impact on Australia-Indonesia relations, you can watch the video here.

